There’s an eerie stillness in America. It’s like the calm before the storm. It is the day before the election.
It feels as if everyone is holding their breath.
As if on cue, in my state of Oklahoma, there are storm clouds and the threat of tornadoes. It’s as if the earth is manifesting the turbulence of the political climate.
What will happen tomorrow—and the days that follow?
There are four kinds of people right now:
- Those of us who understand the 2020 election was stolen.
- Those who still believe what the media says–that it wasn’t. Or just don’t understand.
- Those who can’t see anything except their hatred of Donald Trump and believe him to be a crook.
- Those who simply don’t care.
For the record, I fall into the first group. The evidence was and is overwhelming. Why did judges not do anything with the evidence? If you remember, they didn’t say there was no evidence. They didn’t give it standing. They were simply—bought or cowards. Take your pick. The evidence was and still is there.
To come to any other conclusion, you have to throw out the multiple videos and eye-witness accounts of boxes of ballots being added after most election workers were sent home. Windows being covered up where votes were being counted so that watchers couldn’t watch what was taking place.
SEE ALSO: A Fire-Hydrant of Facts
Videos of people inserting handful after handful of ballots into ballot boxes and/or mailboxes. Leaving and returning to do it again.
Reports of sacks of ballots dumped in rural areas.
Reports of postal workers back dating ballots so they could be counted.
Reports of ballots being driven across state lines to other locations.
Let’s not forget COVID, the shutdowns and the states that only allowed voting by mail—the easiest way to perpetuate voter fraud.
Those of us who watched as the numbers for Donald Trump went DOWN on the television after a commercial break.
The counting that was stopped in the early morning hours with Donald Trump ahead, but then we woke up and suddenly Biden had won. The spikes in the numbers told the story because counting doesn’t “spike” unless, of course, ballots are being dumped in for one candidate.
And then finally, January 6, in which cowardly senators and representatives certified the vote rather than wait the requested TEN days to investigate the anomalies further.
One of those cowardly senators was Senator James Lankford (OK) who just happened to be speaking at the podium when the supposed “insurrection” took place and they had to “run and take cover.”
The problem with that story is it’s just a story. I called one of our federal representatives a couple of hours after the incident and asked him, “How are you? Are you safe? Where are you?”
SEE ALSO: What I Witnessed on J6
“In my office,” he replied.
“What? That’s not what the news is reporting!” I told him.
“Oh we’re just waiting in our offices until they give us the all clear to go back in and finish the vote.”
Oh, so they weren’t all whisked away to a bunker as the news broadcasters told us. According to that representative, they didn’t feel in danger. They were just waiting.
But to hear Senator Lankford tell it, “I HAD to certify after that.” Yeah right. Rather than do further investigation into the enormous number of irregularities? You HAD to certify right then and there?
Not buying it then. Don’t buy it now.
Of course, he’s the same cowardly senator who joined with Chuck Schumer to give us a “bi-partisan border bill” that did nothing but allow illegals to continue to cross into our country to the tune of 5000 a day. And the only money allocated for “protecting the border” in the bill went to processing illegals faster, protecting nothing.
Yeah, THAT Senator Lankford. (Oklahomans I hope you will remember when he tries to run for governor.)
So where does that leave us?
With an election tomorrow in which reports of anomalies have already started to arise. Voting machines that change the vote from Trump to Kamala. Ballot boxes that are being burned—full of ballots. Or have you heard the warning that “it may take days or more to count the votes.”
And why? Because manufacturing votes, hundreds of thousands, takes time. But unlike last time, we are watching which certainly complicates the issue.
But their bigger problem this time is the unknown of how many Democrats will jump ship and vote Trump–because they despise Kamala. They have no way to guestimate how many will actually vote Trump either Democrat or Republican.
It’s the same problem they had in 2016 and 2020. They don’t know and even as they plan ahead—will it be enough?
I don’t think so.
Early voting already favors the Republicans in most states. How many voters will turn out tomorrow?
It’s the calm before the storm.
I believe Trump will win.
All indications show that to be the likely outcome—in a fair election.
Remember they thought they had everything in place to win in 2016. But they didn’t. They under-estimated the Trump support.
In 2020, they again completely under-estimated the number of votes Trump would receive and had to work frantically to compensate trying to make Americans believe that somehow Biden, who couldn’t fill a press conference, much less a rally with more than 100 people, somehow got more votes than any man in American history? Including more than Obama—who was wildly popular with Democrats–at least the first time.
It’s not possible.
And it couldn’t have happened except for the corrupt judges, lawyers, postal workers, poll workers working in tandem along with cowardly senators/representatives who certified the fraud.
And we have seen the destruction of our nation in those four years. Our nation is now full of terrorists, illegals, and fentanyl.
We are printing money like it was toilet paper (and it’s not worth much more than that). We are sending money to Ukraine and everyone else–except American citizens in need after the storms.
There is the looming fear of how can we survive another four years. The thing is we can’t.
So what will happen tomorrow and the days after?
I believe that once again they will underestimate the number voting for Trump which creates a logistical/mathematical issue. There are only so many registered voters in America—even with those they have added who aren’t citizens.
The number of ballots they will have to create to win, in my opinion, will Be Logistically impossible.
Because let’s face it, there is no way that suddenly 80%, 90% or 100% of registered voters are going to vote. But heck, in 2020 there was a city in which 110% of registered voters voted. Right.
So here we are waiting—holding our breath.
If/when Trump wins—know that they will do everything in their power to unleash fear, chaos, riots, etc. as they have absolutely nothing to lose. They cannot afford for Trump to win and restore justice, the economy, and hope.
They will release A storm.
This isn’t profound. I’m just saying what many of you are already thinking.
What we need to remember, more than anything else, is that God is in control. And what is on His heart? For people to turn back to Him.
This isn’t about the election. It is about a nation that must repent and return to who we are and our foundations.
Return to the fear of God.
That has always been the priority. What can cause America to come to her knees?
In my opinion, a Trump win where they will release the whirlwind to stop him from getting into office.
What will they do between now and January 6? Jan 20?
Prepare for anything. But more importantly, be filled with faith in Him–not fear of them.
We have prayed and now it’s time to hold fast.
What will happen tomorrow and the days that follow?
We buckle up, keep our eyes on Him and keep praying. We’re about to find out.
One of the best ways to pray is using scripture with the book “Scriptural Prayers for America and Donald Trump” You can get your copy at: https://bit.ly/KarenHardinBooks $7.99 or 2 for $15