This is a word to encourage you how God can use all of us to bring about His plans and purposes–even when we least expect it.

It started with an unexpected call that has now turned into a miracle–several in fact.
Never doubt that God can use one phone call. One e-mail. One word of encouragement to bring change.
In October a friend, Kyle, whom I hadn’t talked to in ages, called after he heard I was working with governmental leaders to protect America’s freedom. He asked if I knew about the corruption in our local area educational system and its leadership.
Boy he lit a flame in me with that question!
I had just returned from attending and protesting at a school board meeting with the Oklahoma School Superintendent that week. I shared with him their attempt to hide their liberal agenda from us and skirt around laws.
As the conversation continued, my friend stated, “We need a revival.”
“Well, yeah duh,” I responded rather sarcastically. We ALL know America needs a revival!
“No, I mean we need Mario Murillo to come to Tulsa,” Kyle continued.
“Yeah, duh,” I repeated.
You have probably seen the packed attendance and miracles that have been transpiring at evangelist Mario Murillo’s tent crusades in California, New York, Florida, etc. Even in the pouring rain in Batavia, NY last October, cars were lined up for miles to attend.
People stood in line for hours in the pouring rain to get a place inside desperate for healing, salvation and miracles.
According to Mario, “Over 3,000 people came out during a rainstorm!

The largest attendance we have ever seen in a tent happened in the worst possible weather.
“We had to start the meeting an hour and fifteen minutes early! By 5:15 p.m. the tent was packed and people were sitting outside in the rain. This was the earliest any crowd has ever arrived in our history.
“So many people came forward to receive Jesus that we could not count them. It was by far the largest harvest we have ever seen in any of our tents.
“We had to turn hundreds of cars away. Every possible parking place was taken….”
What if that happened in Oklahoma? In your city or state?
My friend was undaunted by my sarcasm, “You don’t understand. I can do it. I work for Mario’s publisher and I have his e-mail address,” Kyle explained.
Ok, now he had my attention. “Well, if you can bring him here, I can get some Oklahoma VIP’s to the event,” I explained as I shared in more detail than I will here, of connections I have made with government officials in recent years.
“What?” Kyle gasped.
“Yeah,” I responded. “Crazy right?”
Kyle stopped immediately and the next thing I heard he was tapping on his computer. Within a few minutes he came back to the call.
“I did it,” he said. “I just invited him.”
We jumped back into our conversation about the corruption in our local area when about five minutes later Kyle started to yell!
“What’s going on?” I asked.
“He responded!” Kyle screamed into the phone. “Mario said he’s coming!”
What you need to know is that Mario didn’t know my friend Kyle personally and he certainly didn’t know me. He responded by the Holy Spirit to our plea even though he is usually booked out a year in advance.
But it gets better!

Flashpoint will broadcast live from the Mabee Center April 21!
It will consist of their regular panel of Mario Murillo, Lance Wallnau, Hank Kunneman and host Gene Bailey followed by a Miracle Service the following day with Mario Murillo.
The miracle from that one phone call just keeps growing and getting bigger!
One phone call lit that flame.
Here is my word of encouragement to you. God is guiding and directing your steps right now to bring about His plans and purposes if you will simply make yourself available. That is usually how Kevin and I pray each day.
Lord use us. May Your Kingdom come, You’re will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Help us be Your vessels to bring about Your plans and purposes.
Even though we don’t always get to see the fruit of how God uses us or how He moves us into position, sometimes, we do—such as this opportunity.
Be expecting miracles. Expect God to use you to bring turnaround and revival to your family, your city, our nation. Be ready!
EVENT: April 21 & 22 at the Mabee Center (7700 S Lewis, Tulsa, OK) Free admission. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Event warm-up starts at 6:30 p.m. on the 21st and 7:00 p.m. on the 22nd. Go to
How you can pray and help!
- We need 1000 volunteers for the Mario Murillo event. Ushers, greeters, parking lot attendants, altar workers. If you live near enough and are interested OR if you know someone in the Tulsa area or in Oklahoma you can forward this information and have them sign up on the Event Tab at . Scroll down to the volunteer information.
- The 2-day event will cost $50,000 with part already raised. He you can help with the additional $30K needed before April 15.
If you would like to donate to this outreach or plant seeds for revival in your state, you can go toand click the “donate” button. Also please be sure to share the website with others you know in the area who can attend.