That is the word the Lord is speaking. For those who have stood and looked at the Goliath’s that have risen up against them, it’s time to take the battle to Goliath.
It’s time to run to the battle.
There are times we are to “stand and see the salvation of the Lord” but there are other times in which we take the battle to the enemy’s gate.
How do we know the difference?
I believe when we pray into a situation and see absolutely no movement on God’s part—then that is when we then run to it—with the Word of God (our sword) in hand.
If you are facing a battle and you haven’t seen any movement. If you have done what you know to do but have been waiting and nothing has changed, I encourage you today to pick up your sword again. Let it come out of your mouth over and over again. Be unrelenting. Refuse to back down.
Find every scripture that aligns with where you are standing and write it down. Make the vision plain. Keep it before your eyes and keep it coming out of your mouth. Decree it into the present. We call those things that are not as though they were (Romans 4:17).
Several years ago singer/songwriter Steve Camp wrote the song Run to the Battle.
It’s as powerful today as it was then as we recognize how we take the battle in prayer.

When we do, we stand in the court of heaven restating our rights. We have firm footing and legal access and we don’t wait for the battle to resolve. We take the fight to the enemy.
When our words agree with His Words, NOTHING can stand against us.
Be encouraged today. Believe again that your breakthrough is imminent. Don’t quit believing, but stand strong.
SEE ALSO: I Still Believe by Russ Taff
It’s not time to fear. It’s time to run to the battle.
(Photo by: allef-vinicius-343875-unsplash)
(If this has ministered to you, please let me know. Leave me a comment or share your breakthrough in the comment section.)
This infused me with fresh resolve to keep standing & resisting, decreeing and claiming, aggressively pursuing to recover all. It’s been 22 years of heartache, watching my daughter being pummeled by the evil one in every part of her life. Although she opened the door many times and invited bondage to come in, there is still a smoldering wick, a flickering flame that loves Jesus in her heart. I know many of us share this experience with those we love. I don’t believe we truly begin to understand the power of our declaration of faith in God and his faithfulness. He will give us the strength to contend every moment of every day for what Jesus won for every soul! I agree with what you urged us to do, and have done it several times in recent years, including last week. Search for and write down every biblical promise and precedent for what I am believing God to do. Today, I look back to last week’s 22 “smooth stones“ of powerful promises. I am encouraged!