As I talked I was jeered at, mocked and told to sit down. “You’re just a ‘Karen,’” someone yelled.
One of the city councilors made faces at me during my talk. No one told them to stop until after I finished and was seated.
How do we pray and how will we respond when we are attacked?
Father, we rejoice that we are able to share in the sufferings of Christ so that Your glory may be revealed. Give us strength and prepare us Lord that if we are insulted for the name of Christ, that we will still love well. That we will follow the example of Jesus who loved sinners to the extent they wanted to walk away from sin.
May we not be legalistic and shove the Bible down their throats, but show what it means to love our neighbor as ourselves. As we see in the Jesus Revolution movie how one man opened his church to those who were hungry for Jesus—but looked different—may we be willing to open our churches and our hearts.
Revival is coming, and those who look and act different will be coming as well.
Are we ready? Lord prepare our hearts.
We ask that You would heal their hearts. They are broken, hurting, angry and feel rejected. They don’t know who they are. We pray that they would have an encounter with You whether through people, through dreams in the night, through the Bible.
May they find You.
May the confusion of who they are be erased in an instant when they encounter The Creator. We pray that the eyes of their heart may be enlightened in order that they may know the hope to which You have called them.
Your light has come into the world. We know that people have loved darkness instead of light…because everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. We continue to pray for revival that will shine Your Light and draw all men to You.
Show us Lord how to love like You love. Forgive us for complacency that we don’t show up. That we don’t stand for righteousness.
That we close our eyes and hope someone else will do it. Forgive us Lord for being too busy going to church that we don’t reach the world.
Show us how to walk this road and to be lights shining in a dark place.
That we may let our light so shine before men that they may see the good works and glorify our Father in heaven. Help us to be ready so that You are glorified.
1 Peter 4:12-14, Mark 12:30-31, Ps 10:17, Eph 1:18, John 3:19-20, John 12:32, Matt 5:16