We see it in our families, our cities, our nation and across the globe. It is an indicator. It is not just anger, it is rage.
Don’t engage the rage.
When we see this, it is a call to prayer. It is important not to engage the rage, but to intercede. The rage is the same spirit seen on the Pharisees back in biblical times. The root is pride which then breeds the twins of offense and deception.
Saul from biblical times was completely engulfed in this spirit.
His pride as king turned to fear, offense and deception regarding a trusted servant, David. It built within Saul until it released an uncontrollable rage against David that was completely unfounded. No matter what David did to show his honor to Saul, Saul was triggered and convinced that David needed to be removed and destroyed.
David didn’t engage the rage, in fact, he continued to honor Saul.
As you go about your day, you will no doubt encounter this rage at some time or another. It can rise up at the most unexpected moment and from the most unexpected source. But when that rage tries to engage you, don’t. Remember it is a call to prayer for the person and the situation.
Anger is simply an indicator.
Left unchecked it will always turn to rage which blinds eyes to truth and works to bring about destruction.
Proverbs tells us that “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”
The Pharisees worked to destroy Jesus and remove him from the scene. They were completely convinced they were acting on God’s behalf and with “honor”…yet they were completely deceived.
How can we recognize this spirit? By its destructive force. Pride and jealousy seek to destroy people, relationships, and hope. It becomes a consuming force in the life of its host.
You cannot speak logic to those who operate in this spirit. Don’t try. Don’t engage the rage.
Rather pray that the blinders will be removed and that pride would bow its knee. Also pray that peace, forgiveness and wisdom would fill the place which pride vacated. For if the house is not filled with the things of the Spirit, the previous spirit will move back even stronger than before.
Have you encountered this kind of unjustifiable rage? And how did you respond?
I would love to hear your thoughts.
I was married to a man with this kind of rage fits. My four children have all suffered from this. After nine years of marriage I was directed by the Lord to leave with my children. Emotional wounds are still very hurting in my some of my children because of loss of a good and secure father