This is a season of blessing and breakthrough. There are surface blessings easily available, but there is also in-depth breakthrough for those who will mine it out of the ruins and hidden places.
Why do excavators go to places of ruins? Because there is treasure. They dig deeply and carefully to unearth the most amazing things hidden in the rubble.
So it is in our lives.
There is treasure in the places of your ruins.
SEE ALSO: Four Words of Restoration that Bring Freedom and Joy)
Even as we consider that there is treasure in our ruins, it is important to remember that we are not to live in the past.
As some read this, you recognize you have been stuck in the past. Most often there are two reasons we get stuck in a season:
- Either it was a great time in life in which we want to continue to relive the “glory days” or a place of anointing and don’t wish to move on.
- Or it was a tremendously painful season in which we can’t seem to shake off the words and damage deposited. Some continue to travel back to that time and ask “why?” (If you that is you, click here for He has said, “I will Restore.”
But whether you remain in the past for the former or latter reason, neither are productive.
in fact, both will steal your future.
However, we can learn much as we sift through the ruins and allow the Holy Spirit to speak and show us the gold.
An excavator is a person who removes earth carefully and systematically from an archaeological site in order to find buried remains…hidden things.
“It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness, And the light dwells with Him.” Daniel 2:22 NASB
The reference 2:22 is significant.
The number two is the number of covenant. It represents taking hold together. In addition, the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the symbol ב which mirrors the symbolism of the number two. It is called Bet which represents man’s journey.[i]
The number 22 represents the end of a cycle.
So in this context, I believe it reveals that at the end of a season (journey) there are hidden things.
It is as we sit with Him (one on one- taking hold with Him) to mine out these treasures that He reveals the gold of each season.
Even in pain, there is much gold.
This is a season of blessing and breakthrough. But part of that breakthrough will come as we mine for it.
There are hidden things—deep things available to each of us—but we must dig for them. Manna is what was given to the Israelites each day and which sat on the surface easily available.
But the wilderness was also the land of “just enough.”
But to receive the Promised Land (their treasure) they had to exit the wilderness to TAKE THE LAND. It involved hard work to receive what was available. They had to drive out the wild beasts and inhabitants.
They had to work for it and dig in to take it. It was given to them, but they had to do something to take hold of it.
This is a season for us to take hold of what He has spoken to our hearts. We are to sit at His feet not to ask “why” about the past, but “What do you want to reveal?” for our future. There is gold in the ruins…and healing.
Don’t be afraid of your past any longer for it is past.
Don’t try to relive what is done, for there is no more life in it. Instead, dig for the gold and take hold of it. Just as the Israelites left Egypt with gold in their hands, so He has gold for you from that place of your past.
This is a time of blessing and breakthrough.
Whether we receive surface blessing or deeper significant breakthrough is up to each of us and how willing we are to dig deep and become excavators for the gold.
Lord, I choose to give You time to reveal to me the hidden things. It is your glory to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search it out. Help me to search out, with the Holy Spirit, the deep treasure that you have for my life and future that I can walk in the promise of your blessings and breakthrough available in this season.
[i] By Rabbi Dr. Hillel ben David, http://www.betemunah.org/two.html
Have you experienced this and discovered treasure in the ruins? Are you ready to mine for deeper breakthrough and not just surface blessing? Leave me a comment to let me know.
You know today after reading this I feel like the treasure God was sifting through the ruins for with the many cherished people around me as the sifts.I also think it’s my turn to sift
The Father has been doing a deep work in me during thIs season…. even in these past couple days unearthing things I thought were dealt with but needed to give over to Him in order to see things from His perspective. What I found was this gave room for Him to show me more of who I really am in Him…. and the freedom to walk in what He is making available!! I pray nothing hinders me from everything I can possibly receive.
Thank you for your comments and let me affirm to you that as you come before Him with that heart to hear, it is fertile ground for healing and restoration. YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT PATH. You are certainly not alone when you state how the Holy Spirit revealed to you that He has been “unearthing things you thought were dealt with.” That is how He works as He continues to bring healing, wisdom and insight into areas that we thought had been dealt with—and had to a certain degree–but then He says, “Let me show you more.” And He then takes it to another level. He can do that with you, because you have opened your heart to Him and are willing and ready to receive it. It is a mature heart that receives those messages. So rejoice that He is taking you to yet a higher place. They can be hard sometimes, but growth and scaling a mountain always takes effort, but the view when you get to the top is so worth it! I will be praying for you!