This is a season of blessing and breakthrough. There are surface blessings easily available, but there is also in-depth breakthrough for those who will mine it out of the ruins and hidden places. Why […]
There are many who have grown weary as depression and confusion have entered and try to cause you to give up. Have your eyes locked on the storm swirling around you? If you have diverted […]
As a parent, we have the ability and responsibility to call out the destiny of our children. However, as a pastor, teacher, leader, manager, (or whatever position or office you daily walk), we also have […]
Who prays for something and then rejects the very thing for which they prayed…especially when it is within arms reach? Crazy right? But we do it unintentionally all the time.
What must it have been like to have known Jesus before He was known? You have to wonder what it would have been like to be one of His siblings–growing up with an older brother […]