In December 2020 the Lord spoke to me “Brace for impact.” I hear those same words now.
And the intensity of this battle continues.
It is reflected in the natural as unusually intense and relentless heat sweeps across the nation. First the natural then the spiritual (I Cor 15:46). It speaks of the fiery battle taking place in the heavenlies.
This battle is not only for our nation, but is also global and personal. Are you in a spiritual battle right now of intense proportions? Personally, I don’t know anyone who isn’t. It is also indicative of the time in which we live.
A couple of weeks ago, I knew we had broken through in the spirit. When we reach that place in prayer we don’t walk away. We don’t lay down our swords. We remain steadfast in praise for the victory. Because even when the battle is won in the spirit realm, we are still walking out the battles in the natural. Even this week, after a particularly trying day of battles, although nothing in the natural reflected it, I KNEW it was time to celebrate.
Dance. Celebrate. Prophesy the victory.
I don’t care what it looks like. This battle is won.

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The Lord spoke to me that we had crested the mountain and are now coming down on the other side. Although the battle is won in the spirit, the natural hasn’t yet caught up.
This inordinate heat wave sweeping our nation (which came prematurely before its season) is revealing the premature aspect of what is taking place. But this intensity will be broken by the storm that hits. Chaos will follow but it will cool everything back down as things come back into order.
As He continued to speak, this is what I knew. The shift is taking place. It is here now. I’m feeling it and watching it. These crazy, scorching temps speak of it and the clash taking place. The intense heat will be broken and things will cool off in an equally intense storm.
While some will curl up in fear, others will walk outside with arms upstretched to heaven to receive the refreshing rain and wind.
In fear and confusion, people will RUN to places and people with insight to learn what to do next. We need to be ready.
We have created the mountain. Victory is released. July may be the heat of battle but August is a timely month in which breakthrough begins and will be seen.
SEE ALSO: Beware of Relational Deception?
We are to prophesy the rain.
I went back to I Kings 18 where Elijah prophesied rain. It was during the corrupt reign of King Ahab and equally evil Jezebel as the land was experiencing both drought and famine—which, make note, was a response to their corruption. Sounds kind of similiar doesn’t it?
The situation had become so severe that it had even begun to affect the king’s household. This made him willing to talk to the prophet Elijah.
In response, Elijah told the king to bring the prophets of Baal and all the people to meet on Mount Carmel. (Remember–we have crested the mountain.) There on that mountain, Elijah not only exposed the false prophets and their lies, but they were destroyed as God reigned down fire to consume Elijah’s sacrifice.
The people fell on their faces before God. NO ONE could deny that God had acted and shown that He was God and He was in control.
Only after the false prophets were removed from the scene and the fear of God was upon the people did Elijah say to Ahab, “Go, eat and drink, for there is the sound of a heavy rain” (I Kings 18:41).
This is where we are headed as the frauds are exposed and removed, the fear of God returns and the rain begins. Some will be fearful of this storm, wind and rain. But those who know their God will welcome it.
Brace for impact. People you thought you knew and people you trusted will be exposed.
You won’t want to believe it, but it will happen over and over again. Do not shut your eyes to the truth. Do not try to defend them. Ask God to reveal and show you how to respond. How to forgive. How to love.
SEE ALSO: Beware of Relational Deception
Finally, finally, finally. We have waited so long, but this exposure couldn’t happen sooner. Everything that has taken place has been for a reason and was needed to give time for repentance and then to expose those who refuse.
Do not point fingers. Do not rejoice in their downfall. Pray for their souls if they can yet repent.
Many will not, but will have hardened their hearts to the truth. They will be seen shaking their fist at God and the world right up until the time they disappear. For they will disappear and be as nothing and non-existent. You will look around for them, but they will be no more (Is 41:11-12).
The Church will be forever changed. Get ready. It won’t look the same and it shouldn’t.
We need to prepare to minister to those coming out of homosexuality and identity confusion, sex trafficking, depression, pride, offense and deception. There is an awakening and the veil is being removed. As the smoke clears may we all recognize truth.
Continue to pray. I hear the sound of the abundance of rain—and with it, we must brace for impact.
Love your writings . Your article on Plundering the enemies camp is what my family needs right now. So thankful I found you.
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God bless you
Becki Fortenberry
Yes but like many I get shadow banned pretty severely! But you can view my posts at https://www.facebook.com/karen.d.hardin.5 (KarenDeeHardin)