How do we shine as lights in this hour?
I had the privilege of working with one of my authors on a wordless picture book. It is wordless but speaks loudly. The book is entitled, “Shine,” by Dagny Griffin.
I knew before it was published it was a prophetic message. But I had no idea how important it would be as well as the timing of its release. It came out this month.
It is a word to Believers of our role in this hour.
Remember, It’s our time to shine!
The story begins with the picture of a young girl, Mia, praying on her knees by her bed. The room is colorful. She is colorful. You wouldn’t know that there is anything wrong, because in her world there isn’t.
Then the little girl gets ready to go outside. She grabs her coat and muffler and opens the door. Her door is red and colorful. She is colorful. But when she steps out the door, the world and all the people in it are completely grey.
As she walks down the sidewalk, she waves to someone. A path of color emanates from her and makes a path across the road to the other person. From her wave, their greyness begins to turn them to color.
The story progresses and we watch as everywhere she goes and interacts with those around her, many who are trapped in “grey,” begin to change. Others on the street begin to receive from her hope and turn to color.
Some people refuse and remain angry and grey. But it reveals how one young girl impacted her entire city. In the end, we see her and her family drive off to the next grey city which is in desperate need of change and hope as well.
That is our role. It’s is our time to shine!
Remember everywhere you go, you carry the Life of God (color). You are a Presence carrier in a dark grey world. When we speak His Word, we speak life and impart life to those who have no hope.
In this hour of fear and dread from the CV-19 virus and many who now find themselves unemployed, we are in a world of “grey.” People are desperate for hope. We have the hope they need.
He is our Provider. He is our Peace. He is our Hope. He is our Healer.
May we “color” our world as we breathe out His Word and His Life into our families, neighborhoods, cities, and states.
It’s time to SHINE.